Visit a Sling Library near you

NCT North Beds Sling Library, Cosy Koala in Wakefield and Slinging Hugs in London all demonstrating Izmi wraps and carriers
We know how it is with a baby: the danger of online shopping from your phone when you're nap trapped or up all night is real.
If you're looking for a carrier but can't decide, here's our advice: get expert advice and try before you buy. Find your local Sling Library, have a chat with the consultants, try on carriers and rent them too. You'll see how fab an Izmi is 😉
The best way to find a carrier that you're super comfortable with is to have a look at lots of them in person, try them on and get advice from an expert on adjusting everything until it feels just right for you and your baby. That's a long way from late-night panic orders online that you can't make head nor tail of! Sling Libraries are here to help you out, offering you the chance to try on many different types of carriers as well as hiring them for set periods of time.
Sling Libraries are run by people who Know Their Stuff - often qualified babywearing consultants or peer supporters. If you're new to babywearing and it all seems a bit overwhelming, consultants can help to cut through the waffle and use their experience to recommend slings, carriers or wraps that will suit you, your baby and your lifestyle well. And if you already have a carrier but are struggling to get comfy, definitely go along for advice on fitting your carrier properly - this can make a world of difference.
Sling Libraries are also fab if you're looking to hire something beyond your 'everyday' carrier for specific events, such as super lightweight ones for holidays, beautiful ring slings for weddings or parties, or bigger toddler or preschool carriers for that hiking weekend when you know little legs will get tired and the buggy won't make it.
As an added bonus, there's often a social side to Sling Libraries too. Parenting babies can be isolating; many Sling Libraries run alongside playgroups or coffee mornings where parents can meet regularly to catch up over a cuppa, share parenting experiences and exchange advice.
There are loads of fab Sling Libraries across the UK - and the rest of the world! Check out our ever-growing list of libraries that we know have Izmi products to try on or hire. If there's nothing close to you, search online for your nearest Sling Library, or check out the Sling Pages directory.